S&G Guide with Circles CTA

Are you ready to start  &  grow your own recruitment agency?

Download our guide to help make it a success

There is lots to consider when setting up on your own. Written by start-up specialists who have helped launch over 100 agencies.

Our guide covers:

  • Different options for starting up
  • A comprehensive run-down of systems and support required
  • Checklists to help you get it right
  • Cash flow & financial help guidance
  • Top tips for growing your team and boosting productivity


What can 3R offer your recruitment start up?

Group discussion 2

Funding & Back Office

Our flexible, 100% funding and intuitive back-office platform compliantly manages contractor timesheets, invoicing, payroll, and credit control.

Our daily payroll service ensures contractors are paid quickly and securely.

Group discussion 2

Support Services

Whether you're a lifestyle recruiter or a small team of consultants who want to scale quickly - we've experienced launching and supporting them all. 

Our comprehensive bespoke service includes - Contracts, Back-office & funding, Brand, Website, Office 365, and much more.

What our clients say

  • Richard B
    Not only are 3R exceptional in service quality and responsiveness, they also provide added value through their industry knowledge and personalised support. We couldn’t recommend them highly enough.
    Martyn Hurricks & Rich Barker , Talent Locker
  • Liam S
    The technology has, of course, made the start-up and management of the business straightforward but something that is equally important is always having someone available to answer the phone and provide support.
    Liam Squires , Heathgate Search
  • Alan A

    A high level of friendly customer service, excellent finance / back office system for contract and permanent recruitment and easy to use functional CRM system for all recruitment requirements. Fantastic recruitment start up business!

    Alan Atkinson , ATK Solutions
  • Kwabena A.
    The whole team is extremely professional and personable and makes our lives so much easier. I cannot recommend 3R enough to any prospective existing business looking for best-in-class or new start-up wanting a secure start in trading.
    Kwabena Amaning , Nexus Search

We've retained 98% of our client-base in the last 2 years. 

Read about our client successes and experiences of working with us here:

{hs_id=148092528797, hs_child_table_id=0, summary=Discover how J3A Recruitment, an agency shaking up the water & utilities sector, achieved success with 3R's funding, back-office systems, & expert guidance., hs_updated_at=1706127852176, hs_published_at=1734432454728, link=/case-studies/j3a-recruitment, hs_initial_published_at=1730107568426, hs_created_by_user_id=24683867, hs_created_at=1701438274585, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=J3A Recruitment, logo={url=https://3r.co.uk/hubfs/Case-Studies/J3A%20Recruitment/j3a-recruitment.svg, altText=, type=image}, hs_updated_by_user_id=48639872}
J3A Recruitment

Discover how J3A Recruitment, an agency shaking up the water & utilities...

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{hs_id=133735717495, hs_child_table_id=0, summary=Find out how 3R supported the successful start-up journey of Rob Woolcock and Jon Taylor of Sarto Thomas, from successful recruiters employed in a large firm to business owners., hs_updated_at=1706127839615, hs_published_at=1734432454728, link=/case-studies/sarto-thomas, hs_initial_published_at=1730107568426, hs_created_by_user_id=24683867, hs_created_at=1694083688691, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Sarto Thomas, logo={url=https://3r.co.uk/hubfs/Testimonials/Sarto%20Thomas/sarto-thomas-logo.svg, altText=, type=image}, hs_updated_by_user_id=48639872}
Sarto Thomas

Find out how 3R supported the successful start-up journey of Rob Woolcock and...

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{hs_id=127337998396, hs_child_table_id=0, summary=Catching up with the lovely team at Talent Locker to look at the fantastic growth they've experienced and how their relationship with 3R has developed since their inception in 2015., hs_updated_at=1706127832773, hs_published_at=1734432454728, link=/case-studies/talent-locker, hs_initial_published_at=1734431620726, hs_created_by_user_id=48639872, hs_created_at=1690529625244, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Talent Locker, logo={url=https://3r.co.uk/hubfs/talent-locker%20(1).png, width=265, height=91, altText=, type=image}, hs_updated_by_user_id=48639872}
Talent Locker

Catching up with the lovely team at Talent Locker to look at the fantastic...

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{hs_id=127303687079, hs_child_table_id=0, summary=As a successful and driven recruiter, Liam spent a lot of time and hard work building and developing new, strong relationships with a variety of clients. However, quickly he recognised that despite his efforts, he would receive a small percentage of the fee., hs_updated_at=1734432092952, hs_published_at=1734432454728, link=/case-studies/heathgate-search, hs_initial_published_at=1734432178958, hs_created_by_user_id=48639872, hs_created_at=1690529583599, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Heathgate Search, logo={url=https://3r.co.uk/hubfs/Case-Studies/Heathgate-Search/Heathgate%20Search%20Thumbnail.jpg, width=974, height=1280, altText=, type=image}, hs_updated_by_user_id=48639872}
Heathgate Search

As a successful and driven recruiter, Liam spent a lot of time and hard work...

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Man smiling with group behind


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